Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

Give Pair Happiness

Touch or groping can be man unification important part and woman.
Feel hand or body of vital importance as part from mutual harmonization like the coition self. beginning stimulative manner with do it as soft as may be. begin from body part besides the sex. caress, massage and kiss, energy channel pointss stimulating at the body will help to increase the sexual passion. moment very felt stimulate stop and embrace. look at eye each with in, look at to into heart each and express to into to love both with eye each.

Continue with stimulate the breast beforehand begin from base it circle smoothly new aim the bipple. Several womans like malaxation so much and stroke rather strong, but let self that guide. also effective help to tickle, circle and suck, oftentimes be best manner arouses the passion. if putting the milk begins asa hard and lengthways so this step done truly.

stimulative furthermore part in thigh, genitals hill, and genitals lip before feel kelenting. above all manner feel it, use finger don't untimely don't too slow. taste full groan, breath swishing, tight muscle, foot at lift, and secretory sweat, smile and whittle face that change, all be good sign

at the (time) of possibility woman pair passion desire approaches the top and he wants soon enterred. don't in a hurry enter it
hold on penis impressing do entering in vagina, before putted into head rubbing penis in kelenting, this will make the passion passion soon will rise tall.

moment pair tall the passion desire visible the marking with vagina that wet wide opened, redden and a little upraised, use penis to scrub lip in vagina. if woman ready knowable pass lip and kelenti that expand and the vagina liquid overflows out. enter slowly. don't like pornographic film that pushes and interesting penis swiftly according to then enerus because here's recipe that suited for fast berejakulasi. don't put into penis in, because there willing interesting it out all this difficult will hold ejaculation of semen.

again enter slow and soft, obtrud penis left and right in vagina, on and down. then countersink and hold back temporary. now is pulling with different corner, will stimulate vagina wall. remember, has various points differs with tall sensitivity. besides depth and the direction, can also be changed speed.

if penis insides use idea to menegang head and part base it, where necessary crumple up part under penis to delay ejaculation of semen. if orgasm has approached rest. pull a little penis up to tingga the head present insides vagina. relex so that blood vessel in penis developing and make possible swop sexual energy. continue mutual embrace each other again, if ready continue to move penis out enter and screw

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